Betta RSS

Betta, Care, Disease, Fin Rot, Fish -

It happened so suddenly, you were watching your betta fish swimming around and one day you noticed that his fins looked a little off. Looking closer it’s apparent that your betta’s long fins are missing, frayed or maybe losing their vibrant color. If this sounds like a familiar scenario, your betta fish might be suffering from fin rot or fin loss.

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Betta, Fish, Tank -

When it comes to fishkeeping we hobbyists always want the very best for our precious fish. Betta fish are no exception! These intelligent and curious fish deserve the very best from us. Especially since there are a lot of betta fish tanks on the market that are not suited for bettas.

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Betta, Fish, Myths -

Bettas are a very poplar fish. This mostly stems from them being very hardy fish. But, do you know about the very common myths about them?

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Betta, Toys -

Many of us provide a proper home for a betta fish, but do we provide a stimulating environment for them?

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